World languages
What do you eat & drink at break?
Powerpoint introducing the various snack items with a writing activity at the end. To be used with Echo Express/Echo 1.
der Koerper tap the board game
Display to show on the whiteboard for a tap the board game. Invite two students to the board and say the phrase. The first person to tap the correct vocabulary wins a point.
My dream timetable
Worksheet with an example dream timetable, for students to create their own.
Worksheet with various exercises on an article from Spiegel about 'Sozialhilfe'.
Berufe wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of jobs. Useful plenary or for cover work.
The Present Tense
Worksheet explaining regular and irregular verbs in the present tense. Exercises relate to holidays topic.
GCSE Speaking Careers
Example answers for various speaking questions under this topic.
C'est la fête!
Worksheet to accompany p76/77 of Expo for OCR textbook about parties and festivals.
Die Ferien
Worksheet to be used in conjunction with Echo Express 2 Unit 1
Der Europark ist toll
Worksheet to go with Echo Express 2 Unit 1 - holidays
Speaking Test Booklet
Speaking test booklet with all questions from all topics to help with the speaking exams.
Leisure model speaking answers
Model speaking answers to go through in class to help students write their own answers.
La musique
Find the French activity for Studio 2 Module 3 - la musique
die Schule missing letters
Fill in the missing letters to create the correct school vocabulary. Useful starter/plenary.
Useful phrases for essays
Worksheet with translation activity from German to English of various essay phrases.
Powerpoint explaining 'weil' using the weil monster. With exercises.
freres et soeurs
Translation activity from French to English about borthers and sisters. These sentences can then be used for the students to write their own sentences about their own brothers and sisters.
Invitiing someone out
Powerpoint explaining modal verbs and giving various phrases to give an excuse for not going out.
Wanted poster
Example wanted poster to show to students so they can make their own - lots of personal info vocabulary.
Powerpoint explaining 'vouloir' + infinitive, with games.